The randomness of global stock market returns
It is difficult to predict future returns by looking at the past, as shown by the performance of global stock markets since 2003. A diverse global portfolio can help capture a broader range of returns and deliver more reliable outcomes over time.
How Cycles of Hype Distract Investors
There are a few ways in which investors distract themselves from their long-term plans. One is by buying into the cycles of hype that appear when specific trends, sectors, or technologies become popular. Here I discuss recent and the latest cycles of hype including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to avoid becoming distracted.
North Coast 500: The adventure begins
It felt fantastic to be back in Inverness, embarking on our 500-mile cycling adventure: The North Coast 500. We set off in the sunshine and completed over 60 miles on day 1. Day 2 saw the dreaded climb to the top of Bealach na Ba pass. Would the rain stop play?
Pearls of Wisdom from a Modern Genius
I am committed to only recommending and implementing tried and trusted investment strategies, but I do see the value in learning from the great minds in other fields. Especially someone as wise as Steve Jobs. Here I explore three wise sayings and what they teach us about financial planning.
Learn the secrets of better decisions: A talk at Ballard school
Justin was asked to talk to pupils, parents and staff of Ballard school in March about making better decisions. He based his talk on three Mental Models that help you apply a rigour to your decision making: Inversion, backcasting and compounding.
When headlines worry you, turn to your investment plan
In March 2023, US regulators took control of Silicon Valley Bank, shortly followed by Signature Bank. That move will do little to quell increasing anxiety amongst investors, many of whom are eyeing their portfolios for exposure to these and other regional banks. Rather than rummaging through your portfolio looking for trouble when headlines make you anxious, turn instead to your investment plan. Here’s how.
Don't Get Stung: How your adviser could help prevent fraud
If you get stung and become a victim of fraud, you probably won’t get your money back. Thankfully, eagle eyed IFAs can be well placed to help you identify possible fraud and avoid becoming a victim. Here’s one such story.
Justin features in The Times' article on IHT planning
I regularly provide comment to journalists seeking guidance on their articles, so was delighted to help out Elizabeth Anderson, a journalist for The Times when she approached me about Inheritance Tax. One of my YouTube videos formed the basis of the Times’ article. Justin and Kathy’s personal situation features for the Times’ IHT planning article.
Why Invest if Cash is Giving a Return?
Following the recent increase in the Bank of England base rate to 4%, you might legitimately ask why you should invest in volatile or “risky” assets when your cash is providing a return of 4%. Justin explains why the need for investing, using a diversified portfolio of global equities as a way to explain his rationale.
Speaking up for investors at The Lang Cat’s ‘Home Truths’ Conference
Justin was asked to represent a growing tribe of financial planners cheering for the consumer as last week’s ‘Home Truths’ event held by financial research company, The LangCat in London.
Eight Billion Consumers
The world’s population is believed to have crossed the eight billion number for the first time in late 2022. The concern shared by many people is that unchecked population growth will lead to increased competition for resources, causing environmental degradation and economic instability. I share a different view in this article.
The Magic Ingredients of Compounding
Compound interest is nothing more than earning interest on interest. In year two, it may seem insignificant, but given enough time, the numbers become substantial. Think of it as a snowball that slowly grows into an avalanche. But do you have the two secret ingredients for success?
This has been a test: Developing a Financial Plan You Can Stick With
Think back to December 2019. The economy was humming. Unemployment, interest rates, and inflation were at historically low levels. Could anyone have predicted what happened next? If so, how would you have reacted with your investment portfolio?
People have memories. Markets don’t.
People have memories. Markets don’t. And that’s a good thing. So, as you start 2023, take a lesson from the market. Don’t begin this new year bogged down by what happened last year. Give yourself the opportunity to start fresh.
Dimensional’s Takes on the 5 Biggest Financial Topics of 2022
Every year, Dimensional produces a range of resources and analysis to help financial professionals like me and investors like you make smart, informed decisions. Here is a look at some of the industry’s hottest topics this year and what Dimensional had to say.
Trust the financial adviser who trusts the market
With around 43,000 qualified financial advisors in the UK, how can you feel confident you’ve picked the right one? Trust a financial adviser who trusts the markets. Eliminate stock pickers and market timers, and go with the evidence.
How research into failing stock-pickers inspired the Index Fund (and the latest development)
Investors actively trading are not just potentially missing out on the expected return of the market, they’re stressed out. The creation of the Index Fund has done wonders to educate investors on the most likely strategy for success, but financial professionals like me need to do more.
The Retirement Café podcast turns 4!
This month The Retirement Café podcast hosted by Justin King turns 4 years old. Here’s the history behind the podcast and a celebratory episode.
MFP Wealth Management achieves Cyber Essentials accreditation
MFP Wealth Management has just become accredited to Cyber Essentials, which aims to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of company information from internet threats. This will protect us against 80% of the most common cyber-attacks.
Justin guests on The Leaders Council podcast
Justin appeared on The Leader’s Council of Great Britain and Ireland to chat about founding and leading his business, and what business leaders should consider as they approach retirement.