The Retirement Café podcast turns 4!

It was Friday 12th May 2017 when I welcomed our carefully selected panel members to the very first Retirement Café event at The Kings Arms Hotel in Christchurch. I was nervous that the coffee and cake might not be up to the promised standard, but the hotel didn’t disappoint.

17 people turned up to hear us discuss Finding and Funding Care in Later Life. The fact that all guests felt better informed after the event spurred us on. This was the start of The Retirement Café idea that, over the past 5 ½ years, has included nine live events, three virtual events, and over 160 podcast episodes.

Celebrating 4 years of podcasting

This week, we are celebrating four years of The Retirement Café podcast. As the anniversary approached I got to thinking about what I’ve learnt from the dozens of wonderful guests I’ve had the pleasure to chat with, and decided to collate a summary of what - to me - seem to be the things that make for a successful retirement.

9 clear themes come up time and again, which I summarise in this week’s episode, and signpost you to specific episodes where these themes are discussed the most.

The nine themes are divided into three groups: purpose, planning and looking after yourself. With Kathy I discuss each one in what feels like a logical, almost chronological, order. As always, I would love to know your thoughts, so please do let me know.


Watch here on YouTube or listen on our website.


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