A simple, clever WhatsApp scam to watch out for

Debbie was surprised to receive a WhatsApp message from a number she didn’t recognise. The sender said it was her daughter and that she had lost her ‘phone, so this was her new number. Debbie didn’t think anything of it, as the messages sounded like the kind of messages her daughter would normally send. 


The next day, Debbie’s daughter asked if she could pay a bill for her to the tune of £3,300, because she had an issue accessing her banking app on her new phone. She gave BACS details of the account to transfer the money to, stressing it was urgent otherwise she would be fined for late payment. She promised to repay her mum next week. 


Debbie reluctantly transferred the money and her daughter thanked her. She never saw the money or heard from her ‘daughter’ again. 

Debbie wasn’t as lucky as Rya, who spotted that this was a scam and has since reported it to Action Fraud. It’s such a simple hoax, yet highly effective. 


In the example above, the scammers used sort code 04-00-75 and account number 60938439, which is for a legitimate company registered as Modulr Revolute. But these may use different details as the scam becomes more widespread. I urge you to report any such messages that you receive to Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040 or by registering here. 


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