Inspiring advisers at Humans Under Management, South Africa

Who did you not get to be?

Justin King Humans under Management South Africa

It’s a question I may have asked you.

If you were only given one more day to live and you were reflecting on all the things you had imagined doing in your life, what did you not get to do? Who did you not get to be? What did you miss?  

These are key questions I like to think about to be sure we understand what’s truly important to us, so we can live our most fulfilling lives. 

On Tuesday this week I gave a talk to a packed room of leading financial advisers at the Humans Under Management Conference in Cape Town, South Africa.  

The goal of the conference is to help more advisers help their clients to manage their ‘behaviour’ around money. This means hopefully ignoring the media noise and sticking with a carefully designed investment portfolio aligned to your life – regardless of what’s going on in the world around you. 


Vision, plan, execute

I believe that key to helping people with their money, is to make sure that we are working towards the correct goals; your most deeply held aspirations and most important priorities. Which is where financial life planning comes in. 

Having spoken at the London HUM Conference in 2017 I was asked to share my story about how life planning and asking great questions can enable each of us to create a vision of the future, a plan and a way to move forward to create our most fulfilling life.

And I believe all financial advisers should be able to help their clients do just that.

As I write I am still in South Africa, so plan to share the presentation, the story of my trip and the phenomenal people I’ve met – including Nelson Mandela’s prison warden who was the keynote speaker – with you soon.


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