Justin King features in Voyant’s ‘Professional Spotlight’

Why cash flow planning is the foundation of excellent advice

Voyant financial planning software spotlight Justin King

Most financial advisers still don’t build cash flows for clients. It’s something we’ve done since day one at MFP, but it’s far from the norm. I cannot comprehend how comprehensive advice can be given without first building a financial plan. Because for me, it’s not about the money.


“Money is just a store of energy that will allow you to do what you’ve always wanted in life. It’s not money, it’s the experiences money can buy.”


In order to illustrate this to clients we use Voyant cash flow software. To show other advisers how beneficial using Voyant is for client outcomes, I was interviewed for their Professional Spotlight feature.

You can read why I feel ‘retirement is a bit like a second chance with the one who got away’ here.


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